Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Ava is 7!!

 Ava turned 7 on September 7th. She wanted donuts for breakfast, del Taco for Lunch and quesadillas for dinner. She also wanted a mermaid chocolate cake. She had her best friend Lorelei sleep over. We first made tye dye shirts. Then the girls played barbies, then presents, dinner and cake. We then did face masks. The girls stayed up late giggling and playing barbies. This was Ava's first sleepover and I think it was a success.

Ava is really growing and maturing into a beautiful young lady. She works hard in her school work. She is a second mom to the twins and is excellent in helping around the house. She loves watching You tube, barbie movies, Me and my best friend Lego friends. She is amazing at playing pretend play and loves to do art. She is super smart and has quite the memory.She has always been a very easy child. Ava we love you and love the person you are and who you are growing into.

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