Sunday, July 21, 2019

Happy Birthday Lexi and Levi!!!

Is this true?!! My babies are ONE!! I survived!! I love these babies so much!! Poor Levi was sick on his birthday so he basically cried the whole day and wanted nothing to do with his cake. He even barfed up the little icing he tasted!! Lexi was so cute!! She clapped and smiled while everyone sang to her and had fun with her cake.

Lexi is on the GO!! She crawls everywhere and can pull up to standing.
*18 lbs
* She can walk assisted with her walker or holding your hands.
* She has 6 teeth; 3 on top and three on the bottom
* Total Momma's girl, wants only me to hold her and gets stranger danger.
* Mimics me if I am chewing gum.
* Loves to clap!!
* Can point.

* 21 lbs
* Has six teeth; two on bottom and four on top
* Not crawling or walking yet.
* can spin around while sitting to see whats going on.
* Obsessed with Wheels; will grunt if sees his siblings scooters, play shopping cart and play cars.  He likes to spin the wheels over and over.
* Loves to clap and Splash!
* Can say "Ah OOhh."

This past year just flew by. It has been hard but so worth it!! I love my family so much!!

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