Lexi is on the GO!! She crawls everywhere and can pull up to standing.
*18 lbs
* She can walk assisted with her walker or holding your hands.
* She has 6 teeth; 3 on top and three on the bottom
* Total Momma's girl, wants only me to hold her and gets stranger danger.
* Mimics me if I am chewing gum.
* Loves to clap!!
* Can point.
* 21 lbs
* Has six teeth; two on bottom and four on top
* Not crawling or walking yet.
* can spin around while sitting to see whats going on.
* Obsessed with Wheels; will grunt if sees his siblings scooters, play shopping cart and play cars. He likes to spin the wheels over and over.
* Loves to clap and Splash!
* Can say "Ah OOhh."
This past year just flew by. It has been hard but so worth it!! I love my family so much!!
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