Friday, June 21, 2019

11 months

Twins are 11 months old now!! I love these babies so much!! Life is crazy but I love all the joy they bring to our family.
* WE HAVE A CRAWLER!! she loves being able to explore!!
* She has 7 teeth; 3 on bottom, 4 on top.
* Makes the most girly and sweet baby noises.
* Favorite foods are cheese, bananas, blueberries and strawberries.
* She is trying very hard to pull herself up to standing.
* Likes holding her own pouch to feed herself.

* Has no desire to crawl, he just sits there and shakes his legs.
* Can shake his head NO and mimic me gum chewing.
* Can say Mama.
* Favorite Foods is FOOD!
* Has 4 teeth ( top lateral teeth and bottom front teeth).

0ne more month then they will be a year!!
Fathers day 2019
Great Wolf Lodge

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