Monday, August 22, 2022

Kohen is 4 months!!

 Happy 4 months to this smiley little baby boy. He is my little chatterbox. He will do the cutest loud noises in his crib and when he talks to us.  He can grab toys and hair. He rolls front to back and back to front. He does great sitting in the bumbo and loves to suck on his hands. He loves to be held facing out and likes to stand on his feet while holding your hands. He likes to sleep on his back or side while sucking on his hands in his sleep sack. He sleeps 6-8 hour stretches and is getting one two hour nap in his crib everyday. His other naps are on the go.  His siblings cant wait for him to wake up in the morning and to see him after school.  I have given up on the pacifier and still hoping car rides will be more pleasant for us all. He has a flat spot on his head that we are watching to see if he possibly needs a helmet to help shape his head.  It's shocking that his head is even flat at all because of all my kids I have held him the most! He is very drolly, maybe teething..? He brings so much joy to our family.  I am enjoying my one on one time with him while the other kids are in school.

Weight:13 lbs. 2oz. (10%)

Height: 23 1/4 inches (2%)

Head: 16 (20%)

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