Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Kohen 2 and 3 months

 2 months:

Kohen loves to talk and smile.  He has discovered his fingers and will put them in his mouth. H can roll from tummy to back.  He has a love- hate relationship with the pacifier. He may just be the only kid of mine that doesn't take a paci.  He is a great sleeper, giving me 5-7 hour stretches at night.  He loves to nap in the ergo carrier. He doesn't love his car seat. Poor little guy caught his first cold from his siblings so he has been a bit more fussy but overall pretty chill.  His siblings still can't get enough of him; wanting to hold him or talking to him right in his face. 

3 months:

He did his first road trip 6.5 hours and did great!  He sleeps 6-8 hour stretches. He doesn't like the pacifier.  He just wants to be walked around and held. He still loves to nap in the ergo carrier.  He loves to smile, blow spit bubbles.  He does the cutest eyebrow raises. He has discovered his hands and will suck and gnaw on them. I want to pause time. He is just the cutest little guy.

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