Sunday, January 6, 2019

5 months

The Twins are 5 months old!! They are growing so fast!! I cannot believe how big they are getting!!
* Can roll from back to front
* A Squealer
* Pretty good sleeper. She has had some sleep regression but I don't know if it is from Levi who has been waking up alot lately. Lexi has kicked Levi out of the crib bc she is moving all around.
* My happy  easy going girl!
* The best bubble blower out there!
* Can stand on her feet while holding your hands.
* Has become aware of Levi and will smile and grab and eat his hands.
* Can hold toys.
* I love her hands, they are so dainty and feminine.
Lexi is so sweet. I love her so much!!

twins on thanksgiving

* not close to rolling yet
*Can stand on his feet as well but not as steady as Lexi.
* Giggles at his siblings.
* Wakes up alot; ends up in our bed at around 4 or 5 every morning.
* Notices his sister Lexi while laying next to her and will smile and suck her hands.
* Can hold toys.
Levi is so cute! His smiles makes my heart so full.
I am one lucky sleep deprived Mom to these two cuties!!

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