Sunday, November 15, 2020

My big boy Kash is 4!!

 I can hardly believe Kash is 4!! Time just goes by faster and faster!! Kash is such a happy, busy boy.  He brings me so much joy. He loves his siblings so much. He loves to help me wake up the babies. He also says great prayers. One thing he always prays for is that Ava will play with him the next day. His vocabulary and language have developed so much this past year. He learned how to ride a bike in April. He was actually the first one. It helped Ava get motivated to ride a bike and she learned a week later. He enjoys the beach, riding bikes, scooters and going camping. He also loves to throw the frisbee, hit baseballs, and shoot hoops. He is my little athlete. His favorite shows are Peppa Pig, Paw Patrol and  Ninja Kids. He gives me the best hugs and kisses. I wish I could freeze time and keep him this little but I am so proud of the little boy he is becoming.

Weight: 35lbs 2 oz. (50%)

Height: 40 1/2 inches (50%)

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