Saturday, November 30, 2019

15 months

Well we officially have two walkers. Lexi started walking about 6 weeks ago right when Levi started crawling. And now Levi is walking.

Lexi: height: 30 1/2 inches (30%); weight: 21 lbs 8oz.(30%); head: 45.5 cm (50%)
*Can say Mama.
* Is a Mamas girl.
* Is the Boss baby, she will take toys and pacifiers away from her brothers and take off running.
* Throws crying tantrums.
* Loves to eat Fruit!! and hold her own snacks preferably pretzels.
* She backs up to you to sit in your lap or give you a hug.
* Makes the cutest girly noises.
* Loves to dance!! especially to Baby shark or Cocomelon.
* Gets into cupboards non stop.
* Loves playing in her playhouse.
* Can get her shoes.

Levi: height: 31 inches(25%);weight: 23 lbs 10 oz(70%); head:47 cm (60%)
* Shakes his arms and legs when he gets excited.
* Sticks out his tongue.
* IS a Daddy's boy.
* Loves all food.
*Loves Baby shark and all electronics!
* Plays with the dishwasher buttons and keeps turning it on!
* He loves to snuggle.
* Still has his baby fat and I love it!
* Can say mama and HMMM.... and Quack.
* Loves to push toys that help him with his walking.

Some more cute pictures.

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