Friday, February 1, 2019

6 months old Twins!!

Please,can I freeze time!? My sweet babies are growing so fast!! They are overall happy babies!
I am going to miss my little babies but I do enjoy each new stage. Here is the latest and the greatest!!

Weight: 17 lbs 14 oz (55%)
Height: 26 inches (25%)
Head: 43 1/2 cm (80%)

He outweighs his sister by two pounds!
*Still Mr. Chunky Chunk!! Has rolls after rolls. 
*He has discovered his tongue.
*Enjoys his stand up toys!
*Has the biggest, brightest eyes that melt my heart!!
*Great eater! Butternut squash, sweet potatoes, peas, green beans, apples, pears, zucchini
* Horrible sleeper! Poor Mommy needs some sleep!! Up all throughout the night!
* Takes a long afternoon nap 2-3 hours most days.

Weight: 15 lbs 14 oz (20%)
Height: 25 1/2 inches (20%)
Head: 42.5 cm (60%)

* Opens her mouth so big when she smiles.
* Rolls over her brother and grabs things from him.
* Great Eater as well!!
* Better Sleeper than Levi but still not sleeping through the night.
* Takes a great afternoon nap 2-3 hours.
* Has started to have stranger danger.
* Mommy is her favorite and will follow me with her eyes when I walk in the room.

These babies are loved so much! The first thing Kash says when he wakes up is "Lexi" (he can't say Levi yet). and cant wait to give them a hug and kiss. Its so fun to see the babies light up when Ava and Kash talk to them. I love my sweet family so much!!

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