Thursday, November 29, 2018

The Kash Man is 2!!

Its hard to believe my little boy is two! He has officially entered the terrible twos! Poor boy has to share his mommy all too much with the twins. He does whine a lot but I know he JUST wants attention. He has discovered climbing! He climbs up on the chairs and tables. Luckily no bad falls but it scares me. Of course he does it when I am feeding the babies. He is learning to test my limits and patience. Although he is the hardest part about having twins; he is the sweetest boy. He loves to snuggle up to the babies and give them kisses on the head. When they cry he offers them a pacifier. He loves to throw away the diapers and gets mad if someone else does it.
* He can go up and down the stairs.
* Runs fast, gallops and jumps.
* Starting to talk more, can say car, treat, water, cheese, please, thank you, ball, AYA for Ava, bubbles, gum, popcorn, daddy. Every day its another word.
* likes to say his prayers at night, and read a book
*pro scooter rider, can do a roll, starting to attempt dribbling a basketball.
* throws and eats with left hand
* he is very coordinated, definitely an athlete
* teases his sister; Ava
* Loves bubble guppies, Dora, Daniel the Tiger, Baby Shark, Bleepie
*Amazing Sleeper; 12 hours at night and a 3 hour nap.
* Loves Cottage cheese, yogurt, blueberries, trail mix, salad, strawberries, veggies
* Waves at everyone

Weight : 25 lbs 6 oz
Height: 33 3/4 inches
Head: 48 cm
He is in about the (20%) in everything.
hike with hid daddy

i cut his hair too short. Scott was not happy with me. I think he still looks adorable

loves the babies bumbo

marker mess

diaper cream mess

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