Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Twin Birth Story

37 weeks 2 days: Delivery Day

The Twins Birth Story:  Scott and I arrived at the hospital on July 16th 2018 at 7:00 am. I was 80 percent effaced and 3 cm dilated. The nurse got me hooked up to the IV before the doctor arrived at around 8:30 am. The doctor attempted to break Baby A's amniotic sac. He tried several times commenting on how thick the sac was. He was finally able to put an internal heart monitor on baby A's head. So now there was a small leak in the sac. The nurse than began to add pitocin into the mix. I then got an epidural.
 We were thinking labor was going to go fast since with Kash once I was 4 cm 20 minutes later I delivered him. Well time passed and things were moving slower than I had hoped.
 Finally, around noon the doctor came to check and discovered the amniotic sac was still intact with just a small leak.  The doctor made another attempt to break the sac and was successful. The sac broke and sprayed all over him; his tie and shirt were soaked!!
 Then things began to move more quickly. By 2pm it was almost go time. They brought me into the operating room for the delivery because of it being twins. I pushed 5-6 times and out came Lexi at 5lbs 5 oz.!! Which was a shocker. She was baby B. Somehow, she snuck ahead of Levi towards the end of the pregnancy. After I delivered Lexi my cervix began to close some so they upped my pitocin.  I was starting to feel very lightheaded and felt like I was going to pass out.  Levi's heart rate was starting to drop some so he needed to come out soon. I began pushing and pushing with all that I had. It was so hard because I was trying not to pass out and focus on pushing. The doctor ended up using a vacuum suction type thing to help get Levi out.  He came out at 5 lbs. 12 oz. They put him on my chest for just a few seconds before having to use an ambu bag to help him breath.  We were very lucky that both twins were healthy and I was able to avoid a c-section. It was definitely harder than I thought it would be. Levi was able to come with us to our recovery room but Lexi had to go to the NICU for observation because she was under the required weight. About an hour later she joined us.

 We are now a family of six. We feel so blessed and lucky to have Lexi and Levi join our family.

We have been lucky to have my mom here helping for 6 weeks. She would take the babies from 3-6 every morning which was so wonderful! My Dad was able to come and help for 2 1/2 weeks. We were so grateful for all the help and love the did for our family while they were here.

2 week appointment;
weight: 5 lbs 13 oz (2 %)
length: 19 1/4 inches (10%)

weight: 6 lbs 8 oz. (5%)
length: 19 1/4 inches (10%)

At 1 month babies are sleeping 2-3 hour stretches at night. Overall they are really good babies. I'm just learning to balance two babies plus two other kids. 
*Like the babacosh(tummy time swing)
* Don't love pacifiers but starting to take them better
* Lexi does poop rockets!! you have to be careful when changing her!!
* Both are breastfeeding well and growing!!

6 week appointment
Weight: 9 lbs (25%)
Length: 20 1/2 inches (5%)
Head: 37 cm

weight: 10 lbs 6 oz (30%)
length: 20 3/4 inches (5%)
head: 38.5 cm (55%)

*Both babies are starting to stay awake for longer periods of time.
* Both look at you when you are talking
* Levi goes a couple days without a poop and then its a blow out diaper.
* Lexi can go from 0 to 100 in seconds with her loud high pitch scream.
* I can tell their cries apart.
* Mastered tandem feeding
* sleep 3- hour stretches at night
Levi and Lexi were blessed at two weeks old.

Weego twin carrier

first bath

Grandma and Grandpa Beaman

twin life

first family outing

Levi sleeping

First day all alone with kiddos

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