Ava is a sweet, loving daughter and sister to Kash. She always wants to know where her brother is and has a hard time not hugging him. Can she love him too much? She is becoming more self sufficient. She can get some of her own snacks if she can reach it. She loves you-tube and PBS. She can swim without floaties.( I gave her and her neighbor, Haley, swimming lessons this summer). She can also fill her own water up at the fridge. She has more of an attitude and can be stubborn at times but all around she is an even tempered girl. She is still pretty shy. She will hid behind my leg when strangers talk to her. She takes time to open up to people but once she knows you she is a talker.
Ava's favorite food is still hot dogs. Happy 4th birthday to my partner in crime, my little mother, and the girl who made me a MOM. I love you so much!! Never stop being you!!
* 35 lbs 4 oz (40%)
*41 1/4 inches (85%)
She is very tall and skinny.
Here are some pictures of her loving her brother, Kash.
Ava is so Beautiful!
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