Monday, April 8, 2013

Battle of the sexes ... guess who wins:)

The past month has been full of fun and excitement. On March 20th Scott and I hit our 3 year mark! We celebrated by going to Puerto Rico for a few days then on a 7 day Caribbean cruise! It was amazing! We did all sorts of adventures: biking, hiked a volcano,waterfall, cave. Went snorkeling, kayaking and enjoyed some amazing FOOD! Cruises are a great way to travel! We saw so many islands and ate like royalty.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday was Scott's 31st birthday. For those of you who know Scott, what better way to celebrate than for him to run a marathon! He did great! He actually won the marathon!! He won a rubber chicken and a bottle of wine ( the wine of course will be given away). We then ate some yummy peruvian seafood!--------------------------------------------------------------------- Today we had our 20 week ultrasound. For the first ten minutes the ultrasound tech hardly said a word. She just kept on taking pictures of anatomical parts of the baby. We started getting a little worried bc she was so quiet. Then she kept on making comments on how our baby was so active, doing all sorts of yoga poses. Our baby is already exercising just like Mom and Dad. Finally she asked us if we would like to know the Sex. Of course we did!! And we are happy to announce that baby Kunz #1 is a Girl!! Also everything else looked normal. Baby is growing just fine and healthy. We are so grateful to have her! We sure can't wait for her arrival in August! Let the shopping begin!!! baby girl is sucking her thumb:)Guess its time to start saving for braces:) Here's a preview of my growing belly! 19 weeks 20 weeks


Heather said...

Woo hoo! That's so exciting. Congratulations. Wish I lived closer and we could shop together to celebrate the arrival of two healthy baby girls.

The Lanny Nielson Family said...

You are so small! It took my until month 7 to start to show with my first! You don't even look it!
I am so excited for you!